Tips for Ensuring Data Security in 2023


As everyone’s lives revolve around technology, it is no surprise more than 64 zettabytes of has been generated over the last few decades. Needless to say, this has made data protection more urgent and critical. Currently, we cannot tap into $300 billion of the world’s most valuable data due to the absence of a safe processing environment. As new technology and tools emerge, organizations should be aware of how to safely tap into their data securely achieve business scalability. Read on to understand the tips to maximize data security.

How to Maximize Data Security

Following are the easy strategies, that organizations can implement to unlock and maximize untapped data:

Deploy Cloud Governance

As businesses worldwide embrace hybrid or remote working, cloud technology is revolutionizing modern businesses. Most organizations have migrated to the cloud or, at least, to private clouds. It is crucial for organizations to deploy cloud data governance policies to help keep their data secure in the public cloud. However, this process has multiple risks, such as budget overspending sue to migration delays. It is imperative that these cloud data governance policies are set without compromising on security.

Understand Confidential Data’s Potential Use Cases

Different parties within and across organizations should be able to share confidential data and perform analytics and AI without violating data privacy or regulatory policies. Secure collaboration of confidential data can unlock incredible value. For example, banks can collate their data to more effectively detect fraud. All this can be done without displaying data to each other or to third-party platforms/cloud providers.

Augment Traditional Data Encryption Techniques with Confidential Computing

As organizations try to improve data privacy, we need to look beyond the encryption of data. To protect data through its lifecycle, it is imperative to implement solutions such as confidential computing. Such solutions can protect data while in memory and during computation. Organizations that enhance traditional encryption techniques with confidential computing and accelerate their adoption of solutions that offer end-to-end confidentiality will succeed and gain the trust value of untapped data.

Interact with the CISO about Implementation and Know the Questions to Ask

Organizations can utilize confidential data while keeping it safe it against insider threats and adjacent workloads. This can be possible in a user/multitenant environment if a business decision maker or CISO agrees with the same. One can start the conversations around making use of confidential data early and keeping clear goals. When a CISO comprehends the effect that confidential data can have, an organization can move ahead. The organization is better equipped to secure its data, and design a more efficient analytics process. A recent report by Gartner (“2023 Strategic Roadmap for Data Security Platform Adoption”) reveals that close to 30% of enterprises will adopt Broad Data Security Platform (BDSP) by 2025. This will be a significant jump as the adoption of BDSP was less than 10% in 2021. The report implies that the demand for better levels of data security will increase because of the increase in product capabilities.


Multiple industries are the main targets for cybercriminals. Also, there are huge amounts of sensitive professional, personal, and financial information that these criminals are targeting to steal. It is vital for businesses to guarantee a streamlined DevOps and DataOps pipeline to protect the system against unwanted intruders. However, it can be problematic for organizations to update these systems and ensure their security to maximize confidential data in 2023. The strategies that have been mentioned can help organizations secure their data.